Monday, June 22, 2009

To Do List ethics

I am facing the same old ethical question again.

Can I add something to the TO DO LIST after I've done it. Then I get to check it off immediately, which is very satisfying. On the other hand it means the original list doesn't actually get any shorter.

I think maybe I need a DONE LIST.

Monday, June 15, 2009

To Do List

Every time I have a break from work I think of all the things I need to accomplish and how quickly the break can slip away. So here is my preliminary summer To Do List. I think it might be easier to break it into three categories: work, home, and fun.


  • finish end of year paperwork DONE
  • pack classroom for move Done
  • unpack classroom after move almost done
  • review 4th grade standards
  • review 4th grade curriculum (seems like it should be the same as above - silly!)
  • long range plan


  • clean out refrigerator Done
  • clean/organize laundry room
  • hang pictures in bedroom (that's leftover from last summer!)
  • get mom's respite visit finalized So done it's over
  • get turtles into new tank Done
  • clean garage
  • clean out mom's storage unit
  • clean out/organize mom's file cabinet
  • find her marriage license Done
  • clean out/organize our file cabinet


  • swim - on going
  • gym - on going
  • beach done - might do again while brother's visiting
  • movies done - Harry Potter
  • zoo Too F-ing hot - what was I thinking!
  • hike see above
  • run see above
  • garden more like landscaping - little by little - see above
  • sit and do nothing - ongoing
  • finish Uncle Tom's Cabin - DONE!
  • museum of nat. hist. Done

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Curse of the Black Spot (or heart shaped post-it)

There are many changes in my school district due to the economy. Class sizes will be bigger next year so we are losing positions. Enough veteran teachers took the "golden handshake" that no one was laid off. Thank you for retiring all of you!

They didn't necessarily leave the school site or grade level that needed to lose classes though. Our site had to move two teachers to other sites. Now our site is shifting teachers to different grade levels. Third grade, my grade, is going to bigger classes, so we need fewer of them.

Yesterday during an assembly I was passed a small note, "Claire, can you come and see me for a minute, Roni." I immediately thought of Treasure Island and the curse of the black spot. Sure enough, I will not be a third grade teacher next year. I'm "graduating" to fourth.

I've thought about teaching the older kids. I'm really not into "cute" as much as my fellow primary teachers. On the other hand I'm not thrilled at the chance of having some of my more difficult students for a second year.

I'm not just changing grades, I'm also moving to a new classroom. A room in a real building. My entire teaching career has been in portables. My new room has a door to the computer lab and there is an adult restroom in the building too. These all are good things. On the other hand, instead of 20 or the new 24 students in third grade, I will have 30 or more.

Well, I'm not going to waste too much thought on this now. There are 4 school days left. I'll pack up my room and move next week.