Saturday, December 13, 2008

When you have a new baby they are so precious. Dependent on you for everything. Bit by bit they become more able to do things on their own. Roll over, sit up, stand, walk. Sometimes progress means more work for a while. Baby proofing. They want to pick their clothes, dress themselves, go to the toilet on their own. Each bit of independence starts with a need for lots of support. slowly they attain autonomy. They babble and coo. You babble back. Eventually there are words, then phrases, then real two way communication.

Mom is making the slow reverse of that process. Rather than reveling with each achievement, I dread each step towards complete debilitation. I'm afraid of the day that I can't take care of her anymore. I worry I won't notice that day until it passes and I'm not taking care of her the way I should.

Two way communication has devolved into her phrases that make occasional sense and my replies that are attempts to seem engaged.
"Sort of off course, schedule..."
"Well it's Saturday"
"Is that his two tickets"
"Whose tickets?"
"Yes...There's a hole up there ahead first row"

Sometimes she forgets how to sit down in a chair or on the toilet. She stands there facing the seat, trying to puzzle out how to do it. Sometimes she'll start to sit down and then stand up again over and over.

I worry when she goes to the bathroom alone. Yet it isn't bad enough that I go with her every time. Today when she came back she was trying to ask/tell me something. At first I thought she couldn't pull up her pants. That's a common thing. She'll come out with her pants below her bottom. In a toddler it might be cute. Especially because it wouldn't happen very often before the pulling up pants skill would be mastered.

That wasn't it. Finally I figured out there was something she wanted me to do back in her room. As I walked back I could here the water running. I guess she forgot how to turn it off. What a mess. The sink drain was closed and the water was pouring over the counter and covering the floor, flooding out into her bedroom. Other than a package of Poise pads, nothing was permanently damage. How long will it be before it happens again?

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