Sunday, January 4, 2009

shopping frustrations - writing without a plan

Today I went shopping for three things. Notice I used a number in my topic sentence. I may write 3 supporting paragraphs - be prepared. I needed, well okay wanted, a steamer, a wreath box, and a book. I thought I could get two of the three at WalMart and the third at Barnes and Noble. Since mom has been stir crazy, I decided to take her and the wheelchair. Gary agreed to go too. That makes taking mom easier, plus I like his company (a lot).

I now realize three items doesn't mean three supporting paragraphs. I need to rethink organization. One paragraph per stop? Along with organization, what is my focus?

We went to WalMart first. We have a pretty new "Super" WalMart (Sookie Stackhouse loves WalMart) and Sam's club (Sam is Sookie's boss) and I had a secret fantasy that all three items would be purchased in just one stop. There were several aisles devoted to Christmas decoration storage, but no wreath boxes. They had many stock pots, but none with a steamer insert to make it appropriate for tamale cooking. OK, hope against hope we went to the book aisle. The sign hanging above the aisle said BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS. Well, that was redundant, but promising. Unfortunately, it was over promising and under delivering. We walked out empty handed and got mom back in the car.

On our way to Smart and Final, which should have a steamer, we made an unplanned stop at Green Thumb. They usually have a good Christmas selection and we thought they might just have a wreath box. Gary went in while I sat in the car with mom. As the minutes ticked by, I figured he must have found one and was waiting to pay for it. No, he came out unencumbered (cool word-lots of affixes).

At this point you are probably wondering if I have a focus. Me too.

Smart and Final was a complete disappointment. They used to have all kinds of restaurant supplies and utilitarian kitchen equipment. Now they mostly have food in semi bulk packaging in an attempt to compete with warehouse stores. Their pots and pans took up less than a quarter of an aisle. Oh, and it was kind of dirty and sad in there. Mom was getting a little tired getting in and out of the car. Well at least I can read my new book when we get home. Next stop Barnes and Noble.

I have to stray from shopping and explain the book. This last TV season I watched the first episode of True Blood. I wasn't sure if I liked it, but I watched the next one. It seemed all over the place with too many characters thrown in hoping something would click. By the end of the season, I was hooked. For Christmas I asked for the first in the Sookie Stackhouse (main character) book series. Caitlin kindly obliged. The writing was not top notch (Like I, the kettle, should complain about the pot). The first book was pretty much the first season and took me a day and a half to read even with the grandkids here. Well, mom had given us each a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble (that's a whole other story-Focus!) so I went and bought the next three in the series. They were like cotton candy. Fluffy and desirable, but not filling. After I finished them and Caitlin made another B and N run, I quickly made my way through seven in about as many days. That brings me back to today's shopping trip. There is only one more available. I read the first chapter tease at the end of the last book and I'm primed. My silly goal is to read all eight before I have to go back to work.

This time Gary waited in the car with mom and I ran into the book store. I strode to the appropriate shelf, which I was familiar with by now, and looked...and looked. I moved the books to be sure it wasn't tucked behind...I couldn't believe it, so I looked again. I checked the end cap. I went back and looked again. I even asked for help. The nice girl knew exactly where it was. She led me to the same shelf and looked...and looked. She moved the books to check behind. Next she checked the computer. The book I want is in the limbo between hard cover and paperback. She could order it in hardcover for $24. Tempted though I was, I couldn't pay that much for such a trivial quick read. If the library doesn't have it, I'll wait until March when it comes out in paperback. Empty handed again, I returned to the car.

Three items on the list and four stores later nothing was checked off.

On a whim we stopped at K-Mart. I got my tamale pot! It was just sitting there patiently waiting for me to come and get it. I should have looked for the wreath box, but I was through.

Now I should write some falling action to wrap up my meandering personal narrative.

Once we got home and I checked the recipe, I realized there wasn't time to make tamales tonight. It takes two hours to soak the corn husks and another two hours in the steamer. I put the wreath in a trash bag and put it in the attic with the rest of the decorations. Gary went out again. This time for steak since he was on the hook for cooking dinner. Tamales will be dinner tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kenyo said...


This is a wonderful exercise in action writing.

How did the tamales turn out? Did you use real lard? Did you make any sweet ones?

I was looking for a double boiler/steamer recently and couldn't find one anywhere. Then I spotted online the one from the Wal*Mart website. All the comments said it was too small. I knew then it would be just right for us.

I got it. The brand name was Tramontana from Brazil. I remembered it because I have a friend, Joan Tramontano. I ordered it online and had it delivered to my local Wal*Mart store -- no shipping charge.

I love it and I could easily make 3 or perhaps 4 tamales in it.

Happy New Year!