Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I have this fantasy. Now before I go any farther I want to make it clear, I love you and you shouldn't take this personally.

Usually this fantasy hits me in the kitchen.

My fantasy includes one plate, one cup, one knife, one spoon, one fork. Food in my fantasy is single serving, narrow in scope. Cereal, yogurt, bread. Nothing using the stove, pots, or pans. Nothing that splatters.

What is it like to clean the kitchen and come back later to a clean kitchen?

How about the bathroom. One product for all washing. One towel. ONE TOOTHBRUSH.

My fantasy does not include shoes anywhere other than on feet or in closets.

Dog hair does not exist. Neither do used tissues, half empty water bottles, unfolded laundry.

How do other people do it? I can't possibly keep up with the housework and I don't even do the cooking. If I did, we would eat the same thing everyday - and it would be plain.

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