Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Baby Tooth

I have a baby tooth. Not in a jar on the shelf, in my mouth. When I was a teenager it seemed like a quirky cool thing that made me different. I also never had wisdom teeth, another cool thing.

Now it's not so cool and I'm over the quirky thing. It hurts. At least two years ago I decided it was time to have it replaced. Then I found out what that would mean. After another year of pain/discomfort I decided I had to do it. After talking to Dr. Poitras about the process again I decided to wait some more.

"Whimp!" you may say. Especially you who have had wisdom teeth removed, but "Nay!" say I.

First they remove the offending infant and let it heal for two months. TWO MONTHS I'll have a gap. Then they put in the implant post. Not the pretty final tooth - just the post. After another few months they top it with the pretty tooth.

Oh, and by the way, my insurance won't pay for it. They would pay for a bridge, but that damages the neighbor teeth.

So, finally I've put the money aside in a tax free medical account. It's use it or lose it, so I guess I'm committed this time.

I don't wanna!!!!!!!!

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