Sunday, December 6, 2009
grad school?
Now I'm thinking about going back to school, but switching programs. I love anthro, but I'm more of a dabbler/amateur/armchair anthro-wannabe. It is a road not traveled and it's not very practical to double back to that fork. I was having to take undergrad classes to be prepared for my grad classes.
I think the graduate program in Educational Psychology and Counseling with emphasis in development, learning, and instruction makes a lot more sense. Plus, I would actually use it every day.
I was at first just thinking about taking a class or two in psychology to help me deal with troubled students. Then as I looked at the program I thought it would be a good fit. I obviously have background and experience that will help me.
I think I'm officially on leave from CSUN and may be able to return and change programs without reapplying. The application deadline is in February, so I have time to figure it out.
I'm excited at the thought, but then I wonder am I crazy to take on something new. Maybe I need to relax for awhile. Well, if I do it it wouldn't start until the fall - almost a year from now.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
interior decorating and crossroads
Yesterday I walked the dogs about three miles and today about four. It was great to get out and just walk. I'd like to do a one mile walk before school, but so far I haven't. I'm still getting used to not being tied to the house.
I've decided I should try visualizing what I want - nothing crazy, really. For example, rather than thinking about what I want to do with our front living room - a process, I should think of how I want it to look when it's done. This may seem like the normal way to do it, but I've always thought of the process rather than the final product.
I want to try it with my future too. If I know what I want-what it will look like, then I can map how to get there. I mean stream of consciousness has its place of course, but in life you only get so many do overs and rewrites. I feel like I'm at a crossroad. I can keep going straight, but if I do I want it to be my choice not by default.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
line, circle, spring
In one of my first anthropology courses I learned some societies think of time as a circle. How interesting. I couldn't see it. Time obviously is a one-way street. The past is getting farther and farther away as we move into the present always striding towards the future.
Funny thing about walking off into the unknown, you often pass a tree that looks oddly familiar. After awhile you notice you're following footprints that look a lot like your own. Finally, as I have now, you realize you're going in circles.
I've decided that the line and circle analogies should be melded into a coil, like a spring. Yes time circles. There is a cycle, a pattern that repeats. But there is also forward movement. Each circle winds atop the last. Sometimes the springlike coil of time is stretched and the turns seem farther apart. Sometimes each coil is pressed tight to the next and time seems to cycle while standing still. In a coil two places along the line can be far apart and yet lay right next to each other. Every Thanksgiving lies atop the last with a year coiling around between them. Each birth touches previous births, each first day of school, each first love, each marriage, each life, each death, coils of time bring them close together even when they are far apart.
In the last few years I've noticed that time isn't straight. I feel like a traveler that realizes the world isn't flat. I guess I am a traveler coiling my way through time.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
personal vs private
I do that a lot. Usually I erase it all rather than publish. Those whiny laments aren't for mass or even minor consumption. I certainly don't need coworkers or parents of students attending my pity parties.
I try to keep private thoughts offline and personal thoughts out of the public arena. But then why blog at all? Why keep a journal? I write therefor I am? If a blogger blogs and no one reads it does it really confirm the blogger's existence?
I guess I just need to vent and wallow from time to time. I am therefor I am. Whether anyone reads it or not. So to those of you that didn't get invited to the party, don't feel slighted. You're welcome to attend. Just don't expect it to be...anything.
Oh, and if a blogger doesn't blog it still exists. It's just too soon, or too late, or too big, or too small, or too painful, or too private, or too personal.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Going down with the ship
Yesterday Mom told me she was scared. I didn't know how to respond except to say I was scared too. I called her minister. I should have been in touch with him more. I took her to church until it was too confusing and hard for her. Then I dropped the ball. I'm an atheist, but she isn't. Maybe his visit will be comforting.
I'm taking the day off today because going to work after her "scared" comment was torture yesterday. She is unintelligible most of the time. Those words were so clear.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
commuting to work
A few houses past Monsieur Woof I start to hear the squawk of a large bird. I imagine it's a parrot doing alarm clock duty. I always think of Dee and Jim when I hear it.
I play a game of "read the headline" on my way to work. I read the newspapers lying on the driveways. The Signal has never been a journalistic masterpiece, but it is home. I can only read half of each headline because the papers are folded. The "rules" say I can't flip a paper over to see the rest of the headline so I try to imagine the other half. Yesterday I read Michael Jackson died from a drug overdose. Wow, that's news.
Just before the final turn I pass the house with flamingos. There is also a frog that quietly sits hoping for a kiss. This is just before the house with three Astro vans of varying vintage. Why?
On my way home from work I get a different perspective on the same route. There is a house that is always decorated to the extreme for the holidays. Now in August, month of nothing, the house is pretty plain. Today though the garage door was open and I could see Rudolph and his team flying in the corner champing at the bit for the day after Thanksgiving when they would once again headline.
As I walk passed Crazy Lady's house I cross my fingers that she is inside and not waiting to waylay any passing neighbor. I toy with feeling guilty for avoiding her and calling her Crazy Lady. Then I think of all the encounters I've had with her and cross my toes as well.
My own dogs bark as I approach my driveway. I stride to the door and sigh with relief that I'm finally done for another day.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Four Hours of Errands
On the drive to the dentist's office she became fearful and asked that I stay with her in case they tried to...
I couldn't understand what she was afraid of. Probably she just knew she didn't know what was going on. She really can't put sentences together very often anymore. Understanding what she is trying to say is the gestalt of knowing her, her history, and her body language. Of course sometimes she is just talking and isn't trying to get across anything.
The dentist was uneventful. I stayed in the room with her. Dr. Poitras has been our dentist for 20 years. His staff is wonderful and they "get it" when it comes to elderly patients with dementia.
Our next stop was the Social Security Administration. Mom needs a new card. Believe it or not, my dog ate her old one. We've done fine without replacing it for years, but now the attorney helping us with estate planning wants a copy.
The handicap parking at the office was in the shade of a huge old Oak tree. Hurray! It was about 101 degrees at this point. I was surprised how many people were in the S.S. office. Fortunately we didn't have to wait too long. The young woman who helped us was very nice. The only hitch was mom had to sign the form. She can barely make a mark in the right place, but that's all they need. Apparently it doesn't matter that she has no idea what she's signing. I explained it, but she didn't really understand.
Time for lunch! I decided to stop at Pizza Hut. Mom likes pizza and it's finger food so she can handle it. When we got inside there was no one at the counter. A big set of keys was sitting on the register and I could hear someone puttering around in the kitchen. I waited patiently expecting someone to come out soon since a chime announced our entry. After several minutes I shouted, "Hello!" There was no response, so we left. I plan on writing to the manager.
We ended up in a coffee/sandwich shop in the same parking lot. I had a fantastic bowl of oatmeal with pecans and fruit. Mom had a ham and cheese sandwich. The waitress was great and I was glad to have discovered it. I plan on writing a very different letter to their manager.
Now for our final stop, the DMV. Mom's handicap placard needed to be renewed. Again, the people were wonderful. We were helped right away and the workers were understanding. Mom had to sign again, but this time I gave her a roller ball pen instead of a regular ball point. It made it easier. Her mark looks nothing like a signature and it looks different every time, but as long as they have something in the signature box they're happy.
Home again, home again, jiggity-jig.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Reading on vacation
Twilight - better than the movie, good beach reading, but not great
New Moon - the sequel to Twilight, whiny, self-indulgent, wallowing, adequate beach reading, now I have to decide if I'll read the third one.
The Elegance of the Hedgehog - intelligent, wallowing - but it gets better - not your typical beach read (intelligent), I recommend it - maybe I just was hypersensitive to wallowing after New Moon
The Tao of Pooh - nice - I recommend it - I didn't get to read all of it, it was being passed around
Altered Carbon - SciFi, good beach reading, very Blade Runneresque - if you liked Blade Runner, I recommend it, I haven't finished it yet
Monday, June 22, 2009
To Do List ethics
Can I add something to the TO DO LIST after I've done it. Then I get to check it off immediately, which is very satisfying. On the other hand it means the original list doesn't actually get any shorter.
I think maybe I need a DONE LIST.
Monday, June 15, 2009
To Do List
- finish end of year paperwork DONE
- pack classroom for move Done
- unpack classroom after move almost done
- review 4th grade standards
- review 4th grade curriculum (seems like it should be the same as above - silly!)
- long range plan
- clean out refrigerator Done
- clean/organize laundry room
- hang pictures in bedroom (that's leftover from last summer!)
- get mom's respite visit finalized So done it's over
- get turtles into new tank Done
- clean garage
- clean out mom's storage unit
- clean out/organize mom's file cabinet
- find her marriage license Done
- clean out/organize our file cabinet
- swim - on going
- gym - on going
- beach done - might do again while brother's visiting
- movies done - Harry Potter
- zoo Too F-ing hot - what was I thinking!
- hike see above
- run see above
- garden more like landscaping - little by little - see above
- sit and do nothing - ongoing
- finish Uncle Tom's Cabin - DONE!
- museum of nat. hist. Done
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Curse of the Black Spot (or heart shaped post-it)
They didn't necessarily leave the school site or grade level that needed to lose classes though. Our site had to move two teachers to other sites. Now our site is shifting teachers to different grade levels. Third grade, my grade, is going to bigger classes, so we need fewer of them.
Yesterday during an assembly I was passed a small note, "Claire, can you come and see me for a minute, Roni." I immediately thought of Treasure Island and the curse of the black spot. Sure enough, I will not be a third grade teacher next year. I'm "graduating" to fourth.
I've thought about teaching the older kids. I'm really not into "cute" as much as my fellow primary teachers. On the other hand I'm not thrilled at the chance of having some of my more difficult students for a second year.
I'm not just changing grades, I'm also moving to a new classroom. A room in a real building. My entire teaching career has been in portables. My new room has a door to the computer lab and there is an adult restroom in the building too. These all are good things. On the other hand, instead of 20 or the new 24 students in third grade, I will have 30 or more.
Well, I'm not going to waste too much thought on this now. There are 4 school days left. I'll pack up my room and move next week.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
On Monday of my break we had a skid steer delivered. It's like a small bulldozer. It took a while to get good at digging and leveling, but I did pretty well. It was a little scary because it was easy to tip, but we never rolled it over.
Autumn and the girls came on Wednesday. Elsa is working on giving up her morning nap, so she was fragile. Charlotte and Ramona loved the Horse Tales videos I bought for them. I had never seen them before, but when they turned up on the sale shelf at Von's I thought what the heck. They are awful! But the girls were thrilled.
We girls, all six of us, went to the mall. While Autumn and I hung out with the little girls, Caitlin shopped for a new swimsuit. She found a really cute one and it didn't break the bank.
Gayle and Rene came on Saturday. We took Alex to Mom Can Cook, a local Thai place, for his 20th birthday. It's a little place so our group of 10 filled the center. The food and service were great as usual.
Gayle cooked
After brunch we all (except my mom) went to the Gentle Barn. It is a rescue for farm animals. We pet horses, cows, and pigs. There were chickens and lamas, an emu, goats, and even a regular old farm dog. It was great fun. After that we went to the Big Oaks Lodge for lunch and a beer.
My mom was getting over being sick so she missed out on most activities. We hired Comfort Keepers to stay with her. They get double on Easter! Since mom was sick all week my ideal break didn't quite happen. I was hoping she would go to daycare so I could have time off from taking care of her. Oh well, she's better now and I did have a wonderful time, especially on the weekend.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Spring Break!
Spring break is here. I have many plans and some down time.
I've already finished a book. It was a sci-fi romance. I like sci-fi, but I think I was in a mood for more romance and less quantum physics. I'm still slogging through Uncle Tom's Cabin. Not because I'm enjoying it so much as I'm unwilling to let Beecher Stowe defeat me with her mire.
Today we are having a small bulldozer delivered. The plan is to level the backyard. Right now it slopes toward the house. We also want to dig some footings for the patios. I so desperately want a yard I can enjoy. With the dirt wasteland we have now the dogs are always dirty and so our carpet is always dirty. Even the heroic roomba can't keep up.
Yesterday I visited an assisted living facility. I'm trying to decide whether it's better to have mom at home with caregivers or at a facility when we go on vacation this summer. It's a lovely facility, but I'm not sure she would get enough supervision at night. She would have a little studio apartment with a door that is closed and locked. She's not locked in, other residents are locked out. Caregivers have pass keys of course. I just don't know how they deal with checking on residents at night. Jon, the man who showed me around, assured me they would assess her needs and monitor her, but I'm not sure. It would be cheaper than in home care. Also in home care seems harder to set up with mom going to daycare and being sure someone is at the house when she gets home. Having multiple strangers stay at the house to care for her makes me nervous. Of course if we go with a facility we would have to kennel the dogs or find a house/pet sitter.
Tuesday I get my hair cut again - yeah
Wednesday mom has an eye appointment. I dread it. I like the eye doctor, but the staff has no idea how to deal with dementia.
Mom's neurologist took her off of Aricept. She says at this point in the disease it isn't doing anything. That made me sad. Another step in this long goodbye.
Wednesday is also the day Autumn and the girls are coming. I'm looking forward to playing around, dying eggs, and generally hanging out.
Friday I see an elder law attorney. I want to make sure I'm dealing with finances in a proper way. Also I want to protect mom's assets as much as legally possible if someday (ok, when someday) we have to place her in a facility.
Saturday Gayle and Rene are coming. It's Alex's big 20th birthday! I'm not sure what we're doing for dinner. He's currently a vegetarian. He says anywhere is fine, but I want to take him somewhere that has good choices for him. I better get a cake ordered today. It will be hard to beat the Star Wars cake Gary got for him last year.
Sunday we will go to The Gentle Barn. It is a rescue organization for farm animals. They are having an Easter event.
Somewhere in the week I need to fit in a few classroom hours, too.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
New Pet
Eventually it will get a new name.
Friday, March 20, 2009
I'm really looking forward to spring break. Maybe we can get started on the yard. It's been little more than a vacant lot for he last two years. When I see pictures of its former lush beauty I feel awful.
Many home projects waiting for something else to happen first. A log jam, but that first log is so big it feels like a Herculean task to get started. Herculean and a money pit. One step at a time will not get it done. It feels like trying to build a sandcastle as the tide comes in. Baby steps get washed away before you can get to the next step.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Rambling to myself
I loved the movies Escape to Witch Mountain and Return to Witch Mountain when I was a kid. Now there's a remake. I think it's being remade to remind me how lame a movie can be and still be great to a kid.
We went to the opera Wednesday. Das Rheingold. It was Alex and Caitlin's first opera. I wish I had chosen a different one. It was good, but I think they would have enjoyed Mozart more. It was so great to go out with them though. We have to do it more. Maybe we need to just visit the family in Riverside for the day next time.
Mom had a UTI. It made her pretty sick and completely gone mentally. Fortunately we saw the symptoms early enough to get her on antibiotics without a hospital stay. She seems pretty well recovered, although she still hasn't gotten up this morning and it's already 8:00. Her sheets will be pretty wet!
OK, if I'm going to go all medical...I've been having lady issues. Or to be more exact - a lack of lady issues. After some tests the doctor determined there's nothing wrong with me. I'm just menopausal. Cool, I guess. It's one less monthly complication. I'm only 44 so it's a little young, but that's how averages work. Some are younger than 51 and some are older.
I went to the PINK support rally at one of our major intersections. For those of you not into California education yesterday was Pink Friday. The day pink slips had to be given to teachers for next year. About 40 were given out in my district. There were teachers from our district and the high school district at our selected intersection. There were groups at major intersections throughout our city. It was a little windy and hard to hold up signs that were like sails, but I spent two hours with my coworkers doing it. Several of my friends there received their pink slips a few weeks ago. My district is really trying to help them by giving them as much information as they can as early as they can. It's so sad. Many people who are losing their jobs have young families and have just bought houses. One single librarian got her pink slip. She has cancer and needs the insurance coverage. Brutal.
I'm reading Uncle Tom's Cabin. The style is so different from the last book I read, Old Man and the Sea. I feel like slapping Harriet Beecher Stowe sometimes. I like a crisp style and this is more like deep dish stuffed crust.
I signed up for Twitter. HATE IT... ok that makes it sound like I care. It just doesn't make sense to me. Why would anyone want to use it? Are you so self-important as to think I want blow - by - blow a report on what you're doing? If you are that important, let me read your blog not your short reports with links to blogs etc.
That's it my blog of the month is done.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My biggest plan is taking them to a ranch for what they call a play day. Basically it's time grooming horses, feeding goats, and just hanging out on the ranch. Along with that they will take a 30 minute horseback ride. We'll probably do that tomorrow, hopefully the weather will hold.
Other ideas are bowling, indoor playground, IHOP for breakfast, making and decorating Valentine cookies, or maybe just Valentines with glue and glitter etc.
I'm taking off 2 days from work and then we have a 4 day weekend which means I'll be off 6 days! Gary picks the girls up today and they;ll be there when I get home from work. I can't wait!
Maybe after 5 or 6 days I'll be better at telling them apart.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
shopping frustrations - writing without a plan
I now realize three items doesn't mean three supporting paragraphs. I need to rethink organization. One paragraph per stop? Along with organization, what is my focus?
We went to WalMart first. We have a pretty new "Super" WalMart (Sookie Stackhouse loves WalMart) and Sam's club (Sam is Sookie's boss) and I had a secret fantasy that all three items would be purchased in just one stop. There were several aisles devoted to Christmas decoration storage, but no wreath boxes. They had many stock pots, but none with a steamer insert to make it appropriate for tamale cooking. OK, hope against hope we went to the book aisle. The sign hanging above the aisle said BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS. Well, that was redundant, but promising. Unfortunately, it was over promising and under delivering. We walked out empty handed and got mom back in the car.
On our way to Smart and Final, which should have a steamer, we made an unplanned stop at Green Thumb. They usually have a good Christmas selection and we thought they might just have a wreath box. Gary went in while I sat in the car with mom. As the minutes ticked by, I figured he must have found one and was waiting to pay for it. No, he came out unencumbered (cool word-lots of affixes).
At this point you are probably wondering if I have a focus. Me too.
Smart and Final was a complete disappointment. They used to have all kinds of restaurant supplies and utilitarian kitchen equipment. Now they mostly have food in semi bulk packaging in an attempt to compete with warehouse stores. Their pots and pans took up less than a quarter of an aisle. Oh, and it was kind of dirty and sad in there. Mom was getting a little tired getting in and out of the car. Well at least I can read my new book when we get home. Next stop Barnes and Noble.
I have to stray from shopping and explain the book. This last TV season I watched the first episode of True Blood. I wasn't sure if I liked it, but I watched the next one. It seemed all over the place with too many characters thrown in hoping something would click. By the end of the season, I was hooked. For Christmas I asked for the first in the Sookie Stackhouse (main character) book series. Caitlin kindly obliged. The writing was not top notch (Like I, the kettle, should complain about the pot). The first book was pretty much the first season and took me a day and a half to read even with the grandkids here. Well, mom had given us each a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble (that's a whole other story-Focus!) so I went and bought the next three in the series. They were like cotton candy. Fluffy and desirable, but not filling. After I finished them and Caitlin made another B and N run, I quickly made my way through seven in about as many days. That brings me back to today's shopping trip. There is only one more available. I read the first chapter tease at the end of the last book and I'm primed. My silly goal is to read all eight before I have to go back to work.
This time Gary waited in the car with mom and I ran into the book store. I strode to the appropriate shelf, which I was familiar with by now, and looked...and looked. I moved the books to be sure it wasn't tucked behind...I couldn't believe it, so I looked again. I checked the end cap. I went back and looked again. I even asked for help. The nice girl knew exactly where it was. She led me to the same shelf and looked...and looked. She moved the books to check behind. Next she checked the computer. The book I want is in the limbo between hard cover and paperback. She could order it in hardcover for $24. Tempted though I was, I couldn't pay that much for such a trivial quick read. If the library doesn't have it, I'll wait until March when it comes out in paperback. Empty handed again, I returned to the car.
Three items on the list and four stores later nothing was checked off.
On a whim we stopped at K-Mart. I got my tamale pot! It was just sitting there patiently waiting for me to come and get it. I should have looked for the wreath box, but I was through.
Now I should write some falling action to wrap up my meandering personal narrative.
Once we got home and I checked the recipe, I realized there wasn't time to make tamales tonight. It takes two hours to soak the corn husks and another two hours in the steamer. I put the wreath in a trash bag and put it in the attic with the rest of the decorations. Gary went out again. This time for steak since he was on the hook for cooking dinner. Tamales will be dinner tomorrow.