Thursday, September 23, 2010

One year

I dread Saturday.  I'm afraid of it.  That isn't even slightly rational.  Saturday will be a year from when mom died.  My culture doesn't have a ritual for that.  It would be easier if we did.  It seems right to acknowledge and mark the day and yet it feels self-indulgent.  I've been fighting back tears for a week.

Saturday is the next meeting of my philosophy class.  I should meet with my professor after class to discuss the big, bad paper that is due the following week.  I know if I meet with him I'll end up crying.  I hate that, but how can I talk about writing and philosophy on the anniversary of mom's death without getting all emotional.

I want to take a few days off from work and school to wallow.  I want to rub ashes on my face and wail.  But mine is a culture of stoicism.  So I will go to work and on Saturday I'll put on my public face, go to class, and try not to cry.

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