Friday, September 17, 2010


Well, I checked Facebook at least three times since I woke up at 5:00.  I've also checked gmail, csun mail, and browsed on craigslist.  Oh, and moodle (csun site), my work email (even though it's a furlough day), and I browsed the adoptable pets on the animal control page.  I did the dishes, washed a load of laundry, and colored my hair.  Now it's almost 8:30.

I guess there's no more putting it off, I need to write my next critical report for Professor Franco.  I love to write, but the assignment is uninspiring.  Basically it's a summary of our last two class meetings with my critical response.  Maybe it will be better since he actually gave us directions this time and I have his previous comments.

I'm still waiting to see his comments on my Happiness paper.

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