Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 5 - too windy again

So, weather defeats me again.  Another howling Santa Ana means I didn't ride G today.  I didn't have time anyway since report cards are due tomorrow.

As soon as my "contractual hours" were over at 3:15 I rushed over to the ranch.  I took G out and groomed him.  Then I turned him out in the arena.  He rolled a few times and shook like a big goofy dog.  So much for my grooming.  Now he's all sandy.  Other than rolling, he just kind of stood around.  Most horses I've seen kick up their heels and run about when turned out. (rhyme!)  I went into the arena with him and walked around. He followed me, but really that's not much exercise.  On the other hand, it's more exercise than he would have had if I didn't go.

I went back to school and worked on report cards after I put G away.

Now I'm home and looking online at how to lunge a horse.  (report cards are not done) If I lunge him, he'll get some good exercise on days I can't ride.  I'm thinking I might ask Michelle for a lunging lesson.  Or maybe one of my riding buddies would come over and help me out.

More and more I want to spend this much time with Danny.  G is ok, and he needs me (or someone), but Danny is much more the horse I want.  My fantasy at this point is to buy Danny and move him to this nearby ranch.  I wonder how he'd do in a stall rather than a pasture.  When I say pasture, I don't mean a grassy pasture.  It's a large pen with many horses - no grass, only dirt.

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